Debtor Tracing Services

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Do you have outstanding debts owed to you by individuals or businesses who seem to have disappeared? Global Investigations provides professional debtor tracing and collections services to locate missing debtors and recover owed money across the UK and internationally.


Who Might Need Debtor Tracing Services?

Debtor tracing services are utilised when an individual, business, organisation or government agency is owed money but the debtor cannot be located. Common situations requiring our tracing services include:

> Debtors who have moved without providing updated contact details

> Borrowers intentionally avoiding payments and communication

> Inaccurate contact information provided by debtors

> Businesses gone into administration without paying suppliers

> Inheritors of estates with unresolved debts

> Clients with court judgments but no payment response

Whether money is owed on overdue invoices, defaulted loans, unpaid taxes, insurance claims, inheritance distributions or other debts, our expert investigators can track down missing debtors.


How Does Debtor Tracing Work?

Our private investigators use legal methods and global databases to pinpoint current contact details and asset information to recover owed funds. Tracing techniques include:

> Public records searches for address history and property ownership

> Database searches for phone numbers, email addresses and relatives

> Social media monitoring for activity and location insights

> Asset investigation linking debtors to hidden wealth

> Surveillance monitoring to capture debtor movements

> Interviews with known contacts to gain intel

Once a debtor is located, we facilitate contact and seek to recover owed money through settlement negotiations or enforcement proceedings. For more complex international tracing, we leverage associates across 100+ countries.


Why Trust Global Investigations for Debtor Tracing?

With over 20 years of experience tracing debtors who try to avoid repayment, our expert investigators have high success rates locating missing borrowers across the UK and worldwide. We persistently track contacts and assets.

Our understanding of regulations around debt collection and tracing ensures we always operate legally. Our discretion protects client privacy. As an industry leader, we have access to expansive databases and contacts to uncover hidden details other agencies cannot.

Let us take on the burden of chasing disappearing debtors while you focus on your business. Our results-oriented tracing services deliver the contacts and evidence needed to recover owed money.


International Tracing

For borrowers who have moved overseas to avoid debts, our global reach is unmatched. We’ve recovered owed funds from 100+ countries, leveraging associates across Europe, the Americas, Asia, Australia and Africa. No debtor can hide from our international tracing capabilities.


Enforcement & Repossession

Once a debtor is located, we can facilitate negotiations and settlements for repayment. For uncooperative debtors, we work with legal teams to obtain enforcement orders, freeze assets, garnish wages, repossess property and vehicles, and take other actions to recover owed money.


Asset Investigation & Recovery

To recover owed money, locating a debtor’s assets is key. Our private investigators are experts at linking debtors to hidden property, bank accounts, trusts, businesses and investments domestically and overseas. We leave no stone unturned in identifying assets to recover debts.




Tracing Debtors FAQs


What information do you need to trace a debtor?

Essential information includes legal names, former addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, relatives’ details, workplace details, vehicle information and any other identifying details. The more data we have to start with, the faster the search.

How do you find someone who owes you money?

Through legal public records searches, interviews, surveillance monitoring, social media tracking, asset investigation and our insider database access, we piece together information to pinpoint debtor locations and asset details globally. Our specialists can find anyone.

Can you trace a debtor internationally?

Absolutely. We’ve recovered owed funds from 100+ countries worldwide. Our global network provides boots-on-the-ground tracing support across Europe, the Americas, Asia, Australia and Africa. No debtor can hide from our international reach.

What strategies do you use to collect debts?

We locate debtors and assets first. Then we facilitate contact, negotiations and settlements. For uncooperative debtors, we obtain judgments and enforcement orders, garnish wages, freeze accounts, repossess property/vehicles and take legal action required to secure repayment.

How much does it cost to trace a missing debtor?

Costs vary per case depending on locations, techniques used, scope of work and more. Contact us for a custom quote outlining expected tracing costs based on your situation. Discreet payment plans are available on request.

Trust our industry-leading team to efficiently track down missing debtors across the UK and worldwide. Contact Global Investigations today to begin tracing the debtor who owes you money.

How long does a trace take?

It does depend on the chosen speed of service however individual tracing is completed within 10-15 days. Corporate tracing services are usually completed within our standard timeframe of 20 working days.

We also offer an express trace of 24-48 hours or finally a super trace of 6-8 working hours. In all cases, a report will be sent out by email once a trace has been completed. Super traces and express traces can be telephoned over as soon as a result is confirmed. Super and Express Traces are also emailed for your ease.

Can you undertake traces abroad?

Yes, we can provide comprehensive tracking and tracing abroad! We have agents in-house and we also use trusted and respected agents in countries virtually all over the world. These agents can undertake residential or employment traces abroad however the cost and payment scheme may differ from our UK traces. Please enquire for more information.

What kind of information can I expect to receive?

For a residential trace you can expect an address accompanied by background details in line with your original brief to us. Telephone numbers can usually be supplied, unless they are not listed or ex-directory.

For an employment trace, we will provide either the address where your subject works from or the address where he/she is paid from (as this is often used for an attachment of earnings) and a contact telephone number, as well any other information relevant to your subject’s work status. We may also confirm a subject is out of work, which is still a positive trace result.

Will I be charged if the subject is still living at the same address or working as stated?

Yes, as we will have verified that the details provided were correct, and as our agents will still have had to go through the same processes in order to confirm this. Re-confirming information often involves even more work for our agents, but the fee is still the same!

What details are required to trace a company?

The company’s name and the last known trading address are the key details required. Any other additional information you may have on the company (such as nature of business, director details, whether it was a public limited company or sole trader, the company number, etc.) is always worth submitting in order to speed up the trace and increase the likelihood of a positive result.

What is a status report?

As well as trace and employment information, the following search details: credit check including CCJs (County Court Judgments), marital status, any known or visible assets, date of birth and property ownership details.

Any additional information that the agent may come across during the course of the investigation will also be included. We also do a larger and much more in-depth enquiry which involves a personal visit by one of our local investigators who will try and determine more in actual tangible assets, such as vehicles or marine equipment.

The visit is conducted covertly, and we are able to provide our clients with an up-to-date assumption on value and provide pictures and evidential proof of any vehicles and then in turn undertake HPI Finance checks on. (This is an invaluable service that our clients are happy for us to undertake when the debt levels are high). Please see our example – Sample in-depth pre sue.

Please note we are NOT able to investigate bank details as part of our status reports and can only assess banking information in certain circumstances when in compliance with Data Protection Act 2018. Please see our information sheet/page on Personal Data Credit Report searches for more information. (may need to change this depending on name of page)

What happens if the trace or status report is a negative?

You will receive a negative report which will outline the lines of enquiry we undertook. . However, we do always suggest re-submitting the case at a later date – usually within 2-3 months in the event new information is located. For corporate clients with large volumes of work, we work on a “no trace, no fee” basis.

Can I expect any additional information?

Yes. If our agents come across any additional information which may be of use to you, this will be included within the completed report.

What if the information supplied appears to be incorrect?

You can notify us within 30 days of the trace completion date, we will be more than happy to re-check the information for you on a free of charge basis. If we are unable to re-confirm our findings or if we have been misled with our initial enquiries – your account will be credited for the cost of the original trace.

What are our success rates?

Depending on the information passed to us, our success rate can be over 70% to 80%, bearing in mind that the more information that we hold the better the likelihood that we will be able to trace the subject, Please contact us if you require more detailed information.

What is my first move?

We must be formally instructed to proceed with both private and corporate cases. This can be via submission of an instruction form, or providing us information by email or post. Corporate clients must first of all set up an account with us and we will then supply you with a Corporate Trace Instruction Form. Private clients will need to supply a completed Private Client Instruction Form. If you have any further questions or require further details, please contact us and a member of our customer service team will get back to you.

What are some of the other tracing types you offer?

In addition to the services above also offer the following tracing services. Please contact us for more information.

> Next of Kin tracing/Tracing of heirs

> Birth Record tracing

> Landlord tracing

> Freehold and Leasehold tracing

> Batch or Volume Tracing for Corporate Clients

Do you offer bulk tracing?

Absolutely! Please call one of our friendly sales advisors to discuss our bulk tracing options and prices.

Do you send and receive password encrypted cases?

Yes, to comply with our client’s individual requirements as well as GDPR, we use a variety of secure encrypted services to both receive and send reports. So whether it is password protected PDF, a secure messaging service such as Egress, or a platform already in place within your business, we can accommodate your preferences.

Can we send batch case instructions via Excel?

Global Investigations are happy to receive batch case instructions via an Excel spreadsheet or an alternative method to preclude our clients from having to fill out an instruction form for each individual. We will then process the requests on your behalf.

See Also:

• Background Checks

• Asset Tracing

• Due Dilligence

• Bug Sweeping

• Covert Surveillance

Don't Go Just Yet!

We are the highest rated private detective firm in the UK, trading  for over 29 years. Your confidentiality is prerequisite with all we do and your case will be handled with the utmost care. Ask us anything and we will be happy to assist, with no obligation to proceed at all.