Tracking Services

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Need to locate a missing person, runaway, lost pet or lost property? Global Investigations provides professional tracking services to find what’s important to you. Our expert private investigators utilise legal methods to track down and recover missing subjects across the UK and internationally.

Our tracking teams will, in next to no time at all, report, locate & reveal your subjects location and intentions.

Our virtually undetectable black boxes can give you a constant log of where and when a vehicle has been and stores them for your perusal, this information is then accessed securely online by you only and our field teams are placed on standby for any further needs.

We undertake both vehicle and people tracking services for our clients up and down the UK.

With multiple agents operating in towns all around the country, we have the added benefit of understanding local areas with incredible precision. This helps us understand more about where your car will be going, and more importantly, where to recover it from.

This also helps us when dealing with short notice requests from clients, as we are able to undertake surveillance mission in other parts of the country at a moment’s notice. From these strategic positions, our investigators can recover video footage which will help you get the results you need.


Who Might Need Tracking Services?

Tracking services may be utilised when a loved one, pet, or valuable property has gone missing without explanation. Common reasons people enlist our help include:

> Finding a missing person – This could be a runaway child, estranged family member, someone who has gone off grid, etc. Our investigators can track their movements and locations.

> Locating a lost pet – Whether a cat or dog has run off or been dognapped, our pet detectives can track them down. We reunite hundreds of pets with owners annually.

> Recovering stolen property – If you’ve had valuables, vehicles, equipment or other items stolen, we track down the thieves and missing property. Our recovery rate is over 80%.

> Monitoring persons of interest – Our surveillance operatives can monitor the movements and activities of suspicious individuals to gather intelligence.

Whatever the reason for needing a subject or asset tracked down, our experienced private investigators have the skills and resources to take on the search.


How Do Tracking Services Work?

Our expert tracking team utilises specialised investigation techniques to pinpoint the location of missing subjects or assets. Methods include:

> Surveillance Monitoring – Physical tracking of subjects combined with video and photography capture their movements.

> Phone Record Analysis – Call logs, cell phone pings, apps and devices monitored to trace locations.

> Background Profiling – Database searches, public records and online activity pieced together to uncover leads.

> Contact Interviews – Speaking with known associates and eyewitnesses to acquire subject intelligence.

> Search Dog Utilisation – In missing person or pet cases, search dogs can track scents and lead to discoveries.

> Digital Forensics – Computers, devices and account activity analysed for location-based insights.

> Financial Tracking – Transactions and payments traced to reveal movements and whereabouts.

Our private investigators correlate data from various channels to pinpoint subject locations. We reconstruct puzzles and think outside the box to make breakthroughs.


Why Trust Global Investigations for Tracking Services?

With decades in the investigative industry, our seasoned detectives have experience locating all manner of missing subjects across the UK and worldwide. Our track record of successes speaks for itself.

We also have contacts across various industries like transportation, hospitality, technology, and security that provide insider help advancing our searches. Our access to global databases also enables discovering leads individuals cannot.

Our combination of human ingenuity and utilisation of tech tools not available to the public makes us highly effective at tracing missing subjects other investigators fail to find. We leave no stone unturned and won’t give up.


Our Tracking Services

Track My Spouse

> Tracking My Boyfriend

> Tracking My Girlfriend

> Tracking My Husbands Car

> Tracking My Partners Car

> Partner Tracking in the UK


Cost-Affordable Tracking

We also use state-of-the-art websites that are covertly hidden and accessed by only our clients for the duration of tracking with a special password and login. These can be accessed by our client’s Smartphone if need be. Best of all, the trackers can be a very cost-affordable way to tell if a person is telling the truth without using the full surveillance option, which can invariably be more costly.


Missing Person Investigations

If a loved one has mysteriously disappeared or gone off grid, our gumshoe detectives can track them down. We access transportation records, phone data, financial transactions and public records to piece together their movements. Interviews, surveillance monitoring and online activity profiling also uncover leads. Our top investigators have remarkable success rates locating missing persons domestically and internationally.


Lost Pet Tracking Services

Cats, dogs and other pets go missing every day. Whether lost, stolen or run off, pet owners are frantic to find them. Our pet detectives utilise specialised tracking skills from scent tracking to lost pet psychics to reunite missing cats, dogs and exotic pets with relieved owners. We alert vets, shelters, pet transport drivers and the public to join the search. From K9 hunters to pet amber alerts to door-to-door flyering, we pull out all the stops to bring pets home.


Asset & Vehicle Tracking

Tracking down stolen vehicles, equipment and valuables takes unique investigative skills. Our asset recovery team taps contacts across industries like shipping, auctions and the black market to chase leads. We uncover theft rings fencing stolen merchandise so police can crack down. From construction equipment to luxury vehicles to artwork to electronics, our seasoned detectives utilise every resource to take back what’s yours.


Tracking Services FAQs

We legally utilise phone records, transactions tracing, database searches, surveillance monitoring, computer forensics, interviews and other specialised techniques. Our gumshoes will follow any lead to achieve results.

Our pet detectives use scent tracking dogs, interviews with eyewitnesses, checking shelters and vets, digital alerts and flyering to reunite pets and owners. We have a long history of successful pet recoveries.

Our private investigators achieve over a 95% success rate with missing person cases and over 80% success rate recovering stolen assets. We leverage contacts and resources not available to average individuals.

No. We only track subjects we have been hired to search for or those that consent. All our investigative work is legal and above board. Surveillance follows ethical guidelines.

Costs average £150-£300 per day but increase with the scope like international searches. We provide custom quotes tailored to your specific case needs after assessing the complexity involved. Discreet payment plans available.

Trust the leading professionals at Global Investigations for reliable tracking services to find missing persons, pets and property across the UK and worldwide. Our team achieves success when no one else can.


See Also:

• Background Checks

• Asset Tracing

• Due Dilligence

• Bug Sweeping

• Covert Surveillance

Don't Go Just Yet!

We are the highest rated private detective firm in the UK, trading  for over 29 years. Your confidentiality is prerequisite with all we do and your case will be handled with the utmost care. Ask us anything and we will be happy to assist, with no obligation to proceed at all.