Occupancy and Residency Confirmation

Trusted by businesses, individuals, and the legal profession since 1994, we offer friendly and discreet service. Rated 5 stars by hundreds of clients, we deliver expert asset recovery and investigation worldwide. We’ve successfully traced hundreds of millions in recoverable assets and handled 12,500 cases across 122 countries. Contact us today to see how we can help you.

At Global Investigations, we provide comprehensive residency verification services to help landlords, property managers, and tenancy clients determine exactly who is residing at a specific property.

Our experienced team of investigators can establish occupancy patterns, confirm resident identities, and uncover any unauthorised occupants or subletting arrangements that may be taking place.

Our methods are fully compliant with privacy laws and data protection regulations, ensuring that while we obtain the necessary information, we do so within all legal frameworks.

Whether you’re a landlord concerned about property misuse or a property management company conducting due diligence, our tailored investigation services provide the concrete evidence you need to make informed decisions and take appropriate action.


Most Common Reasons for Occupancy and Residency Checks

The most common reasons to check occupancy and residency at a particular address include:

> To assess if a property is being sub-let

> To check if additional tenants have moved in without notification.

> To assess employment of the tenants/residents

Our clients usually undertake occupancy and residency investigations for the identification or litigation purposes.

But these can also be done for different reasons such as a deterrent or something they can store for when and if needed.

Sometimes, our private investigators are asked to determine who the owner of a property is. This may be for building plans, or to get in touch directly with an owner due to a property dispute, or similar enquiries that will benefit the client. The client may only have partial or outdated information, where an owner may have moved or may be deceased. Our specialists are able to glean information regarding new owners, next of kin, or residents.


Who Might Be Interested in Residency Confirmation?

The typical clients include:

Landlords: Sub-letting and unknown tenants are the biggest issue for some of the clients we assist and once they are in possession of the crucial information, they are then in a position to move forward with necessary action. This can save landlords thousands of pounds and ensure properties are not being misused.

Schools: Schools go through an arduous process to ensure children attending the school are living within the catchment area and have the right to attend. Many require documentation to prove which area you live in. Parents looking to get their children a competitive edge may fabricate information about their residence in order to be within the necessary border – this is commonly known as ‘district jumping’. Global Investigations can complete residency checks and verification of residential status to ensure schools are being provided with the correct and up-to-date information. We provide this investigative service to schools or parents, so they can take the necessary action.

Solicitors/those involved in litigation: Solicitors or individuals undertaking legal action may be sending correspondence to an address without receiving a response. In these situations, Global Investigations can assess if the individual is still believed to be a resident at the address and is simply ignoring mail to evade legal action or has moved. Our specialists can not only assess if a subject remains at the address but if they have moved, can assist to trace them to a new address.

Should you be interested in our occupancy and residency confirmation services, please contact a member of our team on 0208 287 7770.


See Also:

Background Checks

Asset Tracing

Due Dilligence

Bug Sweeping

Covert Surveillance

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We are the highest rated private detective firm in the UK, trading  for over 29 years. Your confidentiality is prerequisite with all we do and your case will be handled with the utmost care. Ask us anything and we will be happy to assist, with no obligation to proceed at all.