What background checks can Global Investigations carry out?

Find out about all the backgrounds checks Global Investigations can carry out

A background check is an investigation into the history of a particular person in your life. They’re most commonly used when a new person has entered the frame and you feel the need to know more about them – that could be to delve deeper into a suspicion you have, or to guarantee the safety of your family or finances. Background checks can ensure that you will not be taken for a ride, tricked, or placed in danger by this person.

Here at Global Investigations, we can perform many kinds of background check, depending on what your situation calls for.

Types of background check and why you might need them

  • Employee vetting – if you’re hiring someone new, or have suspicions about a current employee, a background check can either reassure they’re nothing to worry about, or give you the facts you need in order to not work with them any longer.  Checking out the truth about their history can give you the answer to how they affect or may affect your business, for good or bad.
  • Nanny checks – if you’re employing someone to look after your children, their safety is of the paramount importance and you need to totally check them out before you commit. A nanny may even be living in your house, so finding out all of the information you can about them is so vital in order to find the right person for the job. It needs to be someone you feel totally comfortable around and trust completely, and a background check can give the information to be in this position.
  • Relationship checks – if you’re concerned about a new partner, or the partner of a family member, performing a background check can alert you to any concerning behaviour or practices. This is also a useful background check to undertake if an ex-partner has a new person in their life, and your children will be spending time around them – if they’re going to become a part of your children’s’ life, you deserve to know they’re going to be safe.
  • Criminal background checks Now known as a DBS check, you will usually need to have conducted one of these for yourself or on behalf of an employee – you may even be asked to produce one of your are moving into a new home or business building. They prove that you have no criminal or unlawful offences or issues that could prohibit the work you’re able to do, and are a great way of making totally sure that the person in question has a clean slate.
  • Know Your CustomersWhen you are a business owner, making certain that you’re following the correct, lawful processes when it comes to exchanging money is of paramount importance. Conducting a Know Your Customers check will ensure that the person or business you are dealing with is not attempting to include you in any money laundering schemes or of distributing criminal money.
  • Credit checks – if you’re entering into a financial agreement or situation with anyone, you must make sure you are on steady ground and not liable to be scammed or the victim of fraud. Credit checks are undertaken against a person to ensure that their financial history is correct and satisfactory – only then should you commit talking money with them.

If you feel that you would like to conduct a background check against a person in your life, please contact us here at Global Investigations. Whatever the type of check, we can undertake it quickly and thoroughly, and provide you with the information you need for some peace of mind, or to carry out your next actions.  

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