Christmas is the time to be with your family – and you can find yours with our family tracing service

Christmas is a very nostalgic time of year, and it’s also incredibly family oriented. More than any other month, there are lots of family get togethers, visits to family around the country, and lots of time spent together. Add to this the sentimental nature of peace, love and goodwill that surrounds the festive period, and it can be an emotional time for all families. While for lots of us, the chief emotions at this state of affairs will be joy and happiness, there are just as many families for whom Christmas can bring some less pleasant emotions to the surface. If you are adopted, have ever given up a child for adoption, or have a long lost family member, this could certainly be the case. You might feel that there is a presence missing over the festive period, a strong longing to see that particular person. Or you might feel a renewed sense you want to get back in contact with that person, or connect with your roots at this poignant time of year. If you find yourself in this situation, have you considered hiring private investigators to trace the family member you are missing?

Here at Global Investigators, we are experts at tracing and will not rest until we’ve found your family member this Christmas

In the run up to Christmas, if you are desperate to find information about your loved one, family tracing will allow you to do that; even if you don’t necessarily want to reach out to them after we have located them. There is often a boom at this time of year of people looking to either find or get in touch with family members, and with the sentimentality of the Christmas atmosphere, this is no surprise. Here at Global Investigations, we are more than happy to assist you with the family tracing process if that is what you want. We conduct all kind of tracing, from missing person enquiries to parent tracing, and are fully equipped to carry out investigations both here in the UK and across the world – wherever the process takes us, we can go. Our tracing system is incredibly well practiced; we are award winners at the process. We are covert, discreet and thorough, which means you will have all of the information you need, without alerting the person in question. That means that the next step is totally in your hands. Whether you’re hoping for a reunion this Christmas time, or would just like some reassurance that your relative is happy and well, our family tracing service will be able to find and confirm that for you. If you do need our help, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Don't Go Just Yet!

We are the highest rated private detective firm in the UK, trading  for over 29 years. Your confidentiality is prerequisite with all we do and your case will be handled with the utmost care. Ask us anything and we will be happy to assist, with no obligation to proceed at all.