Do you want to know where he’s really going? Hire a private investigator to find out

Tracking a person by following their vehicle is something we imagine only happening on TV. The truth is, vehicle tracking is a useful and sometimes vital way of getting to the bottom of someone’s deceit. In an age of constantly escalating technology, the ability to track someone has become easier and easier. That may not be so good for a person’s privacy in the modern world, but it’s certainly good for getting to the truth more quickly. Truth will out, as they say.

Here at Global Investigations, our experienced team of private investigators and detectives offer a complete service, whether that’s helping you to identify what your employees are getting up to, or even if your partner is cheating on you.

Is your partner cheating?

Perhaps your partner has been acting strangely lately. Coming home late, going out again with a dubious explanation. Could your partner be leading a double life? Whatever’s going on, you want the truth and you want some reliable proof. Hiring a private investigator to track your partners car could provide you with the answers you need for your relationship to move forward.

A suspicious employee

Many of us are subject to employment contracts, contracts which have certain stipulations. More often than not, employees are not allowed to go off gallivanting during their work hours, or use a company car for personal matters. If they are required to run errands or do deliveries, employees are required to stay ‘on the job’ at all times. Another common clause in a contract requires an employee to not carry on any other work while they are employed. Are you suspicious that your employee is breaching these terms of their contract? That they are running personal errands – perhaps in the company car – while they should be working? That they have another job on the weekends or in the evenings even though their contract expressly forbids it? Consider hiring a private investigator to track your employee’s whereabouts by following their vehicle during working hours. Unfair dismissal law requires that all employers have legitimate grounds for believing an employee is guilty of misconduct before they bring dismissal proceedings. This means you need proof of where your employee is going. A private investigator can help you find that proof with their vehicle tracking expertise.

How do private investigators track people?

There are many ways of tracking people in the modern age, but manual vehicle tracking – like you see in the movies – remains a common,  reliable method of tracking. Private investigators can legally follow vehicles to find out where potentially cheating partners are going, or follow company vehicles to determine the whereabouts of suspicious employees. A good private detective is a experts in discretion with the ability to follow a vehicle whilst remaining invisible to the target.

Hiring a private investigator

If you have a suspicious employee or partner and you want to track them, consider hiring vehicle tracking experts like Global Investigations. We are experts in tracking peoples vehicles a with our services benefiting from 80 years of combined experience in private investigation, including tracking, surveillance, bug sweeping, background checks and intelligence gathering. We also won the Acquisition International M&A Award for UK Tracing Firm of the Year in 2013.

Don't Go Just Yet!

We are the highest rated private detective firm in the UK, trading  for over 29 years. Your confidentiality is prerequisite with all we do and your case will be handled with the utmost care. Ask us anything and we will be happy to assist, with no obligation to proceed at all.