Are you concerned your partner is using an online dating site?

Over the last month, it has been hard to ignore the ramifications coming from the data leak of extramarital dating website, Ashley Madison. The information released from the site revealed that 36 million people worldwide have been conducting affairs through the service. If you are in a situation where you suspect your partner is cheating on you, this has not been welcome news. Fortunately, our team of experienced private investigators are here to help.

With the release of the Ashley Madison information, you may be feeling more uneasy than ever.

If you have been concerned that your partner has been having an affair, this latest news has probably caused your suspicions to raise even higher. Perhaps you had written off the idea of your partner using one of these dating or sex sites as just paranoia – but as 36 million people across the world were found to be signed up to Ashley Madison, it just proves you may have reason to trust your instincts.

This huge number of users shows us that, sadly, affairs are a common scenario and can happen to any marriage, at any time. The Ashley Madison case also proves that there is more than one type of extramarital affair. Until now, you may never have considered the idea of your partner using websites to conduct an affair. You have probably been paying close attention to meaningless signals, and ignoring the truth that’s going on online, on dating sites like Ashley Madison.

Unfortunately, in the modern world, online behaviour is something that always needs to be taken into consideration, as this case proves. It tells us that if you do have suspicions about your partner but cannot find evidence to support your claims, don’t dismiss them – the answer to your worries may lie on their computers.

How can you be certain whether your suspicions are correct?

If you are in the position of worrying that your partner is using a dating site to carry out an affair, we understand how stressful this can be. Your anxieties can often feel overwhelming, and you feel like you don’t know who to trust. Hearing about news such as the sheer number of people using the Ashley Madison site will only heighten your concerns. Using a private investigator will put your mind at ease. Global Investigations are well practised when it comes to finding out about affairs, and whether your suspicions are proved correct or otherwise, you’ll finally be able to have peace of mind. As well searching data such as this, we can also investigate your partner’s online presence. By using open source intelligence we can glean this information in an open manner, and we can start supporting and giving answers to our client, who so desperately needs them.   Whatever service you require to find out the truth about your partner, we are more than happy to provide, and we guarantee to leave you with hard evidence that will finally put an end to your anxieties, and allow you to get on with your life. For more information about how Global Investigations can help you through this difficult situation, please contact us.

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