The Dangers of Hiring an Unlicensed Private Investigator in London

When it comes to private investigations, many people think that all they need to do is hire the first person who comes along. This is a dangerous mistake that can have serious consequences. It’s important to do your research before hiring a private investigator in London.

Here at Global Investigations, every private investigator we hire has extensive experience, and is fully licensed to act as a private investigator by the SIA (Security Industry Authority). That means each member of our team has passed stringent tests, including tests about their ethics, personalities and more.

Why Is It Dangerous To Hire An Unlicensed Private Investigator?

There are many reasons why you should only choose to work with a professional team, or a licensed private investigator. Some of the main reasons you should be wary of private investigators without a legitimate licence include:

  • Their Ethics – If you choose an unlicensed private investigator, you have no guarantee that they will act ethically. All of our private investigators adhere to a strict code of conduct, which includes acting with integrity and discretion at all times.
  • A Lack of Training & Experience – They may not have the necessary training or experience. That means you might be paying for someone who will not be able to deliver the results, or the results that they do provide may not be reliable. All of our investigators are highly trained professionals with years of experience.
  • Breaches of Personal Information – You could be putting your personal information at risk. Unlicensed private investigators may not have the necessary security measures in place to protect your data. What’s more, they may not actually be trustworthy. If you’re hiring a private investigator, it’s likely that you’ll be dealing with a sensitive issue, whether that’s a commercial or personal problem. An unlicensed private investigator may well choose to use that personal information against you for their own benefit, either in the form of blackmail or recieving money from the person you’re looking to have investigated.
  • Not Always Legal – You could be breaking the law. Our private investigators are fully aware of what they’re legally allowed to do, and what they aren’t. If you hire an unlicensed investigator, you could be complicit in their illegal activities, including breaking and entering, theft and more.

Why Is It Important To Research Before Hiring A Private Investigator?

When it comes to private investigations, it’s important to do your research before hiring anyone. This is because not all private investigators are created equal. Some may have the necessary training and experience, while others may not. It’s important to find an investigator who has the experience and skills necessary to get the job done.

It’s also important to make sure that your investigator is licensed and insured. This will ensure that you’re protected if anything goes wrong during the investigation. An unlicensed investigator may not have the necessary training or experience, and may not be able to deliver the results you’re looking for.

What’s more, an unlicensed investigator may be breaking the law by conducting investigations. Working with an unlicensed investigator could put you at risk of being involved in illegal activities.

So, before hiring a private investigator, make sure that you do your research and choose a reputable company with experienced investigators.

What Are The Benefits of Hiring A Licensed Private Investigator?

When it comes to private investigations, it’s important to hire a licensed investigator. Here are some of the benefits of doing so:

  • You’re Protected – If something goes wrong during the investigation, you’re protected. Licensed private investigators are required to have insurance, which protects you if any damage is done to your property or if someone is injured during the investigation. What’s more, our team will never give up their client, meaning that – in the unlikely event they are confronted – you are fully protected.
  • They’re Experienced – Licensed investigators, such as the team at Global Investigations, have years of experience and training. They know how to conduct investigations effectively and efficiently to help you get the results you need.
  • Licensed Investigators Are Legitimate – Licensed investigators are legitimate businesses, which means that you can trust them to conduct an investigation discreetly and with integrity.
  • They’re Knowledgeable – Licensed investigators are up-to-date on the latest techniques and methods for conducting investigations. They’ll be able to use their knowledge and experience to help you get the best results from your investigation.
  • They Follow the Law – Licensed investigators know what they can and can’t do during an investigation. They’ll always operate within the law, ensuring that your investigation is conducted legally, ethically and safely.

So, before hiring a private investigator, make sure that you choose a reputable company with experienced investigators who are licensed and insured. This will ensure that you get the best results from your investigation, while remaining safe and protected.

What Is Involved In The SIA Licencing Process?

The Security Industry Authority (SIA) is a UK government agency responsible for regulating the private security industry. The SIA licence is required for anyone who wants to work in the private security industry in the UK. The licence is valid for five years and must be renewed before it expires.

To get a SIA licence, you must first pass an assessment that tests your knowledge of the private security industry. The assessment includes questions on the law, licensing requirements, and health and safety. You must also have a clean criminal record.

If you pass the assessment, you can then apply for a SIA licence. Your application will be reviewed by the SIA, and you may be asked to provide additional information or attend an interview. If your application is approved, you will be issued with a licence.

The SIA licence is valid for five years and must be renewed before it expires. To renew your licence, you must pass the assessment again and have a clean criminal record.

If you want to work in the private security industry in the UK, including as a private investigator, you need to obtain a SIA licence. The process of obtaining a licence is straightforward, but it’s important to make sure that you meet all of the requirements.

How Can Global Investigations’ Private Investigators Help Me?

If you’re looking for a reliable and experienced private investigator, Global Investigations is the perfect choice. We have over 25 years of experience in the industry, and we use our knowledge and expertise to help our clients get the results they need.

We have a team of experienced investigators who are licensed and insured, and we always operate within the law. Our team know what to look for during an investigation, and we use the latest techniques and methods to get results quickly and efficiently.

We understand that every case is different, and we tailor our investigations to meet each client’s individual needs. What’s more, we also offer a completely diverse range of services to suit your specific needs, and have specialists to back them up. Some of our private investigation services in London and the UK as a whole include:

  • Background Checks
  • Company Investigations & Employee Investigations
  • Missing Person Investigations
  • Evidence Gathering
  • Asset Tracing
  • Due Diligence Checks
  • Bug Sweeping & TSCM
  • And Many More

For Licensed Private Investigators In London You Can Trust, Call Global Investigations Today

If you need the help of a licensed private investigator in London, Global Investigations is here to help. We have a team of experienced and qualified investigators who can assist you with any type of investigation, no matter how complex it may be.

We understand that every case is different, and we tailor our services to meet each client’s individual needs. For more information, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our experienced team today.

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