Remote Hiring: 10 Mistakes to Avoid for Successful Screening

In the digital era, remote hiring has become a common practice, bringing with it a new set of challenges – particularly in conducting effective background checks in the recruitment process. 

In this blog, we highlight the top ten mistakes to avoid for successful remote hiring screening.

1. Neglecting the Importance of Background Checks

The first mistake that many organisations make is underestimating the importance of background checks. A thorough background check can reveal crucial information about a candidate’s criminal record, credit history, and past employment. This information is not just a collection of data; it’s a window into the candidate’s past, providing insights that can help employers make informed decisions.

Neglecting background checks can lead to hiring mistakes, such as employing someone with a history of fraudulent activities for a position of trust. This can result in financial loss, damage to the company’s reputation, and even legal issues. 

2. Overlooking the Legal Aspects

In the UK, criminal background checks are regulated by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). An enhanced DBS check is a criminal record check that employers can request to check the suitability of a candidate. 

Failing to comply with these regulations can lead to legal complications. For instance, conducting a DBS check without the candidate’s consent or discriminating against a candidate based on their criminal record can lead to legal action. 

3. Inadequate Verification of Employment History

An employment background check should include a comprehensive verification of the candidate’s employment history. This involves checking the accuracy of the information provided by the candidate and any potential discrepancies.

Inadequate verification of employment history can lead to hiring candidates who have embellished their CVs or even fabricated their work experience. This can result in hiring under qualified candidates or those with a history of job hopping, which can impact the organisation’s productivity and employee turnover rate.

4. Ignoring Credit History

While it may not be relevant for all roles, a candidate’s credit history can be a valuable piece of information for certain positions – particularly those involving financial responsibilities. It’s a part of background screening that shouldn’t be overlooked.

Ignoring a candidate’s credit history can lead to missed red flags. For instance, a candidate applying for a financial role with a history of bankruptcy or significant debt might pose a risk.

5. Inconsistent Screening Practices

Inconsistency in background screening can lead to bias and unfair hiring practices.  For instance, if a criminal record check is conducted more thoroughly for some candidates than others, it could result in hiring candidates with undisclosed criminal records.

For this reason,  it’s important to have a standardised background check process that is applied consistently to all candidates. This ensures fairness and objectivity in the recruitment process and helps to avoid potential discrimination claims.

6. Not Considering the Candidate’s Perspective

Background checks can be invasive, so it’s important to consider the candidate’s perspective. Transparency about the process and its purpose can help maintain a positive candidate experience. Candidates should be informed about what the background check involves, why it’s being conducted, and how the information will be used.

Not considering the candidate’s perspective can lead to a negative candidate experience, which can impact the employer’s brand and ability to attract top talent. 

7. Failing to Keep Up with Technological Advancements

Technology has significantly improved the efficiency and effectiveness of background checks. Failing to leverage these advancements can result in a slower and less efficient screening process. For instance, online databases can speed up the process of checking a candidate’s criminal record, and AI technology can help to analyse and interpret the results.

8. Not Re-verifying Information Over Time

Background checks are not a one-time process. For ongoing employment, it’s important to re-verify certain information over time, such as criminal records and credit history. This ensures that employers have the most up-to-date information about their employees and can take appropriate action if necessary.

Not re-verifying information can lead to missed changes in an employee’s circumstances. For instance, an employee might develop a criminal record or financial difficulties during their employment, which could potentially impact their suitability for the role. 

9. Over-reliance on Automated Checks

While technology has made background screening more efficient, over-reliance on automated checks can lead to errors. A human element is still necessary to ensure accuracy and thoroughness. For instance, an automated criminal record check might flag a minor offence that is not relevant to the role, leading to unnecessary concerns.

10. Ignoring International Checks

For remote roles, candidates can be located anywhere in the world. It’s important to conduct international checks when necessary, including international criminal record checks and verification of overseas qualifications. This ensures that employers have a complete picture of the candidate – regardless of where they are based.

Ignoring international checks can lead to hiring candidates with undisclosed overseas criminal records or unverified qualifications. This can result in hiring unsuitable candidates and potential legal issues.

Global Investigations’ Background Screening Service

At Global Investigations, we offer a comprehensive background screening service to help organisations avoid these mistakes. Our team of experts ensure a thorough and compliant background check process, providing you with the information you need to make informed hiring decisions. 

To find out more about our background screening service, reach out to our friendly team today. We are here to help and support you every step of the way.

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