6 Ways Your Company Can Benefit from a Bristol Private Investigator

Did you know that a Bristol private investigator could help your business in a number of ways?

Whether you need to conduct background checks on potential employees or are looking into suspected fraud, a private investigator can provide the expertise and support you need to get answers. 

Below are six ways your company can benefit from working with a private detective in Bristol:

1. To Confirm or Disprove Employee Absences

Employee absenteeism can be a major problem for companies in Bristol, costing them millions of pounds each year in lost productivity. While there are many legitimate reasons for workers to take time off, such as illness or family emergencies, there is also a significant amount of fraud. In order to confirm or disprove employee absences, many Bristol businesses hire a private investigator.

A private detective can use a variety of methods to collect evidence, such as surveillance and interviews. They can also work with HR departments to obtain records or information that may not be readily available to the general public. 

By conducting a thorough private investigation, a private investigator can help a Bristol company determine if an employee’s absence is valid or if it is part of a larger pattern of fraud. In either case, the information gathered by the investigator can be used to make decisions about disciplinary action or further investigation.

2. To Conduct Background Checks on Potential New Hires

As the world increasingly moves online, it is becoming easier and more important than ever for Bristol companies to properly vet their employees. A key part of this process is conducting background checks, which can help to uncover any past criminal activity or financial red flags.

Professional investigators are experts at this kind of research. Using a variety of tools and resources to get the job done, they access public records like criminal databases and court documents. They may also reach out to references provided by the candidate, search social media platforms for any relevant information, or even conduct surveillance in order to gather evidence.

Ultimately, a private investigator’s goal is to collect as much information as possible so that the Bristol company can make an informed decision about whether or not to hire the candidate.

3. To Investigate Suspected Cases of Fraud or Theft

If you suspect that one of your workers is stealing money from the office or committing fraud, a private investigator can help to gather evidence and build a case against them. This can be vital in protecting your Bristol business from financial losses and in dealing with any criminal activity appropriately.

Investigative Methods

There are many ways a private Bristol investigator will investigate these types of cases, but a few common methods include reviewing financial records, interviewing workers, and conducting surveillance:

  • Financial records – these can provide a lot of information about potential theft or fraud. For example, discrepancies in the records could indicate that someone is stealing money from the company. Reviewing records can also help to identify patterns of behaviour that may be associated with fraud during the investigation.
  • Interviews with workers – these can be helpful in investigating suspected cases of theft or fraud. Members of your business may have seen something that they didn’t realise was suspicious at the time, but that could be helpful in identifying the culprit.Private detectives will often use polygraphs during employee interviews to get accurate information.
  • Surveillance – conducting surveillance can be an effective way to investigate cases of theft or fraud. A private investigator may follow suspects around Bristol, set up hidden cameras, and track their movements.Surveillance can be time-consuming and expensive, but it can sometimes provide the best evidence of criminal activity.

4. To Provide Security for Important Events

A private investigator can be hired to provide security for important company events in Bristol. The private investigator will conduct a background check on all attendees and take pictures of all attendees and their vehicles, running a check on the license plates to make sure that there are no stolen vehicles.

The private investigator will also set up security cameras around the event area to keep a close eye out for any potential hazards.

5. To Serve Legal Documents in Bristol

If you need to serve legal documents in Bristol, such as a summons or court order, a private investigator can help to ensure that they are delivered correctly and in accordance with the law.

This can save you a lot of time and hassle, as well as ensure that any legal proceedings are carried out correctly. Private investigators know how to locate people in Bristol who are hard to find and they have the training and experience to serve papers in a way that is legal and effective. 

Private detectives also have access to a wealth of resources that businesses do not, making it easier for them to find people and serve them with legal documents. As a result, hiring a private investigator is often the best way for a business to ensure that legal documents are served properly.

6. To Carry out Covert Surveillance

Private investigators are often associated with carrying out surveillance on individuals for personal reasons, but they can also be hired by businesses to carry out covert surveillance –  typically to gather evidence of employee theft or misconduct. 

In order to carry out covert surveillance, a Bristol private investigator must be able to blend in with their surroundings and avoid detection. This means wearing the appropriate clothing and using the right type of equipment. In some cases, they may even resort to using disguises.

There are many different ways in which a private investigator in Bristol can benefit your business. If you are facing any type of problem or challenge, an investigation may well be able to help you to resolve it quickly and efficiently.

How Global Investigations Can Help

Looking for a Bristol private detective agency? Global Investigation can provide a comprehensive private investigation service in Bristol to suit your business’ needs. 

We have a team of experienced local detectives who are highly skilled in surveillance and security, including investigating employee misconduct, finding missing persons, conducting due diligence on new employees or partners, gathering evidence for legal proceedings, and much more.

We understand that every business is different and requires a unique approach, so our British investigators tailor our services and knowledge to meet your specific needs. Call us on 800 073 3555 or use our simple online contact form today to learn more about our Bristol services and how we can assist.

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We are the highest rated private detective firm in the UK, trading  for over 29 years. Your confidentiality is prerequisite with all we do and your case will be handled with the utmost care. Ask us anything and we will be happy to assist, with no obligation to proceed at all.