Find out why these high profile people needed to use a private investigator….

When it comes to working with a private investigator, sometimes it can be a very stressful and difficult situation that has brought you to that decision. You may feel incredibly nervous about working with a detective agency, you might feel a bit embarrassed about the chain of events that has led to you needing assistance. You might be looking for any kind of reassurance that you are doing the right thing and that you have nothing to worry about. At times like these, it’s first important to remember that throughout your case with Global Investigations, you will completely looked after, listened to and reassured. One of the things we most pride ourselves on is our ability to put a human face to the investigations we run, and your well being is at the top of our priority list. That being said, needing reassurance that it’s perfectly fine and normal to be working with a detective agency can’t come from a more high profile source than a celebrity! There have been many high profile cases where using a private detective has been necessary for someone in the public eye to gain information they need to take legal action, or gain peace of mind. As with many things in life, seeing someone in public eye going through a similar situation to yourself can be a great source of comfort to you; and they may even inspire you to finally make that call you’ve been putting off, and get your case up and running.  

Bill and Hillary Clinton

In the 1990s, the Clintons hired a private investigator to work on their behalf and investigate a woman who was claiming to be having an affair with Bill. The evidence their investigator found meant that the unwanted allegations swiftly stopped.

Maria Shriver, ex-wife of Arnold Schwarzenegger

Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger recently divorced, and it was said to be evidence obtained by Ms Shriver from a private detective that convicted Schwarzenegger of cheating that was the final nail in the coffin.

Michael Jackson

Jackson was probably the most famous singer in the world, and with that level of fame comes a lot of unwanted attention and discussion. The singer hired private investigators countless times during his life, both to disprove rumours about him, and to find out whether any of his close, supposedly trustworthy, staff were leaking personal information to the press. In all of these cases, hiring a private investigator led to sometimes hurtful discoveries, but always eventually led to satisfactory endings for the high profile people involved; and if it can happen so successfully for them, it can be the same for you. If you’re now feeling ready to make the call and get the ball rolling to investigate a situation in your own life, please contact us here at Global Investigations.

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We are the highest rated private detective firm in the UK, trading  for over 29 years. Your confidentiality is prerequisite with all we do and your case will be handled with the utmost care. Ask us anything and we will be happy to assist, with no obligation to proceed at all.