Insurance Enquiries

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Global Investigations should be your first port of call to carry out insurance enquiries with Global Investigations, especially now that insurance claim fraud are an ever increasing problem in the UK. Recent research reports released by insurance companies have suggested that an estimated 10% of British adults have submitted a fraudulent insurance claim at some point in their lives.

These fraudulent claims are an expensive and worrying issue. Unfortunately, even though it tends to be quite obvious a fraudulent claim has been made, many of the claims are just too difficult to assess and further evidence is often needed as proof of fraud before an insurance payout can be refused. This is where insurance enquiries come in.


How Can We Help With Your Insurance Enquiries?

We currently operate in the traffic accident, health and medical and personal injury sectors. If you require a discreet investigation into a suspected fraudulent claim in one of the above sectors, we will firstly organise for one of our dedicated agents to discuss the case with you.

The initial investigative process will involve our specialised agent taking note of all the necessary details and instructions concerning the claim, such as the claimant’s original statement. They will then present you with all the possible investigative options you have and finally, once you have made your choice, they will carry out the investigation. This will usually involves a mixture of intelligence and surveillance work.

By working closely alongside you, our client, we can tailor the results of the insurance enquiry investigation exactly to your requirements. This means your valuable time will not be wasted and your funds will not be spent on any unnecessary work. This discreet, thorough investigative approach is a lot more direct than many other organisations offer and as we always ensure all relevant areas have been addressed, it means the results of our investigations are always fair and accurate.

We are committed to ensuring all of our agents adopt the correct procedures and undertake all investigations within the relevant legal parameters. This means you can trust our insurance enquiry investigation to be complete, truthful and legally admissible in court if required.

Once the investigation is complete, we will provide you with all the uncovered evidence to validate or disprove the suspected fraudulent claim. Should the results of our investigation prove the claim is fraudulent, we will provide you with sufficient evidence of the facts, including a witness statement from the investigators involved. You can be assured that if we uncover any evidence which substantiates your belief the claim is fraudulent, you will be able to refuse the payout.


See also: 

> Process Serving 

> Online Fraud Investigations 

> Cheque Fraud

> Copyright Infringement 

> Taking Statements 

> Means Enquiries

Don't Go Just Yet!

We are the highest rated private detective firm in the UK, trading  for over 29 years. Your confidentiality is prerequisite with all we do and your case will be handled with the utmost care. Ask us anything and we will be happy to assist, with no obligation to proceed at all.