Can I Order a Criminal Background Check on Myself?

Conducting a criminal background check on yourself can provide valuable insights into your personal record and give you peace of mind. In the United Kingdom, individuals have the option to request their own basic criminal record check, also known as a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. This background check reveals unspent convictions and conditional cautions, allowing you to be aware of any criminal history that may be disclosed during certain employment or volunteer opportunities.

Key Takeaways:

  • You can request a basic DBS check on yourself in England and Wales.
  • The basic check shows unspent convictions and conditional cautions.
  • It costs £18 and can be requested by the individual or an organization they are working with.
  • If required, a standard or enhanced DBS check must be requested through your employer.
  • A standard or enhanced DBS check shows both spent and unspent convictions, as well as other relevant information held by local police.

How to Request a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Check

In England and Wales, individuals have the option to request a basic criminal record check, known as a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. This check is a simple yet important way for individuals to gain insight into their personal criminal record. Whether you are applying for a new job, volunteering position, or visa, having a DBS check can provide peace of mind and demonstrate your commitment to transparency and integrity.

To request a DBS check, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit the official government website for DBS checks.
  2. Choose the type of DBS check you require based on your circumstances (e.g., standard, enhanced).
  3. Complete the application form, providing accurate personal details.
  4. Verify your identity by providing the necessary identification documents.
  5. Pay the required fee using a secure online payment method.

Once you have submitted your request, the DBS will process your application and conduct the necessary checks. On average, it takes approximately 2-4 weeks to receive your DBS certificate. However, processing times may vary depending on the volume of applications and the complexity of your case.

It is important to note that individuals cannot request a standard or enhanced DBS check directly. Instead, these checks can only be requested by employers or organizations who are legally entitled to obtain that level of information. If a standard or enhanced DBS check is required for your role, you should contact your employer or organization who will guide you through the application process.

Why Should I Request a DBS Check?

A DBS check provides individuals with vital information about their personal criminal record. By requesting a DBS check, you can:

  • Gain insight into any unspent convictions or conditional cautions you may have.
  • Demonstrate your commitment to transparency and accountability.
  • Enhance your employability and professional reputation.
  • Ensure accuracy and address any discrepancies in your criminal record.

A DBS check can be an invaluable tool in ensuring that your personal record is up to date and accurate. It is a small step that can have a significant impact on your professional and personal life.

Type of DBS Check Information Shown
Basic DBS Check Unspent convictions and conditional cautions
Standard DBS Check Spent and unspent convictions, cautions, reprimands, and warnings held on the Police National Computer
Enhanced DBS Check Same as standard DBS check, plus any additional information held by local police that they consider relevant

It is worth noting that a DBS check does not cover any time individuals have lived outside the UK. If you have resided in another country, you may be required to obtain a background check from that country or give permission for a check to be done on your behalf through an embassy.

In England and Wales, individuals have the right to request a basic criminal record check, also known as a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. This allows individuals to gain insight into their personal criminal record, including unspent convictions and conditional cautions. To request a DBS check, individuals must visit the official government website and complete the application process, which includes verifying their identity and paying the necessary fee. It is important to note that individuals cannot request a standard or enhanced DBS check directly, as these checks can only be requested by employers or organizations. A DBS check is valuable in demonstrating transparency, ensuring accuracy, and enhancing employability. However, it is essential to remember that a DBS check does not cover time spent outside the UK, and additional background checks may be required if individuals have resided in other countries.

What Does a DBS Check Show?

A DBS check provides information on unspent convictions and conditional cautions that may be on an individual’s criminal record. It is a detailed check that can reveal important information about a person’s past, helping employers or organizations make informed decisions about their suitability for certain roles or responsibilities.

The check will show any unspent convictions, which are criminal convictions that have not yet reached the rehabilitation period set by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. It will also reveal any conditional cautions, which are formal warnings given by the police for minor offenses that come with certain conditions to be met.

It is important to note that a DBS check only provides information on convictions and cautions within England and Wales. If an individual has lived outside the UK, their criminal record from that country will not be included in the check. They may be advised to obtain a criminal record check in the country they lived in or provide permission for a check to be done on their behalf through an embassy.

Overall, a DBS check offers valuable insight into an individual’s criminal record, enabling employers and organizations to make informed decisions about their suitability for certain positions. It helps ensure the safety and security of workplaces, customers, and the general public.

DBS Check Information Description
Unspent Convictions Shows any convictions that have not yet reached the rehabilitation period set by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.
Conditional Cautions Reveals any formal warnings given by the police for minor offenses that come with certain conditions to be met.
International Criminal Record A DBS check only covers convictions and cautions within England and Wales. Individuals who have lived outside the UK may need to obtain checks from the respective countries or provide permission for checks to be done on their behalf through an embassy.

Cost and Process of Requesting a DBS Check

Requesting a DBS check can be done by either the individual themselves or by an organisation they are working with, and it costs £18. The process is relatively straightforward and can be completed online. First, the individual or the organisation needs to create an account on the government’s DBS website. They will then need to provide their personal details and relevant identity documents.

Once the account is set up and the necessary information is provided, the individual or the organisation can choose the type of DBS check they require. As mentioned earlier in this article, there are three types of DBS checks: basic, standard, and enhanced. The basic check is the one that individuals can request for themselves, while the standard and enhanced checks can only be requested by employers or organisations with a legal basis for doing so.

After selecting the appropriate type of DBS check, the individual or the organisation needs to pay the £18 fee. This can be done online using a debit or credit card. Once the payment is processed, the DBS check will be initiated, and the results will be sent to the individual or the organisation as requested. It is important to note that the processing time for a DBS check may vary, but it is usually completed within a few weeks.

Type of DBS Check Who can request it Information revealed
Basic Individual or organisation Unspent convictions and conditional cautions
Standard Employer or organisation with a legal basis Spent and unspent convictions, as well as other relevant information held by local police
Enhanced Employer or organisation with a legal basis Same as the standard check, plus any additional information deemed relevant by local police

Standard and Enhanced DBS Checks

While individuals can request a basic DBS check, standard and enhanced DBS checks can only be requested by employers for specific roles. These checks provide more comprehensive information about an individual’s criminal record background and are typically required for positions that involve working with children or vulnerable adults. The decision to request a standard or enhanced DBS check is determined by the employer based on the nature of the role and the level of contact the individual will have with vulnerable individuals.

A standard DBS check provides details of spent and unspent convictions, cautions, reprimands, and warnings held on the Police National Computer. This check is often required for positions such as security personnel, financial services, or legal professions where trust and integrity are paramount.

On the other hand, an enhanced DBS check includes all the information provided in a standard DBS check, as well as any additional relevant information held by local police forces or other government agencies. This can include details of ongoing investigations or intelligence that may be relevant to the specific role. Enhanced DBS checks are commonly required for roles that involve working closely with vulnerable individuals, such as healthcare professionals, teachers, or care workers.

It is important to note that the decision to request a standard or enhanced DBS check lies with the employer, and individuals cannot request these checks directly. If an individual is applying for a position that requires a standard or enhanced DBS check, they should inform their employer, who will then initiate the process. The employer will have access to the necessary forms and guidance to help the individual complete the application.

Type of DBS Check Information Included
Basic DBS Check Unspent convictions and conditional cautions
Standard DBS Check Spent and unspent convictions, cautions, reprimands, and warnings
Enhanced DBS Check All information from a standard check, plus relevant additional information from local police forces or other government agencies

Coverage of a DBS Check

A DBS check provides information on both spent and unspent convictions, as well as additional details held by local police forces. It is a comprehensive background check that helps individuals and organizations make informed decisions regarding employment, volunteering, or other relevant activities. The information disclosed in a DBS check can play a significant role in safeguarding vulnerable groups and ensuring the safety and security of those they interact with.

The DBS check covers a wide range of offences, including but not limited to crimes of violence, sexual offences, theft, fraud, and drug-related offences. It also includes information about an individual’s inclusion on the Children’s Barred List or the Adults’ Barred List, which prohibits them from working with children or vulnerable adults, respectively. This ensures that those in positions of trust and responsibility are suitable and do not pose a risk to those they serve.

Furthermore, a DBS check also reveals any relevant information held by local police forces that may not be included in an individual’s criminal record. This can include intelligence or allegations that have not resulted in a criminal conviction, but are still considered important in assessing an individual’s character and suitability for certain roles. It provides a holistic view of an individual’s background, giving employers and organizations the necessary information to make informed decisions in line with their safeguarding responsibilities.

Information included in a DBS check: Information excluded from a DBS check:
Spent convictions Any spent cautions and convictions that are not protected under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
Unspent convictions Information that is considered legally protected and not disclosed under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
Conditional cautions Non-conviction information, such as arrests or allegations, that has not resulted in a criminal conviction
Inclusion on the Children’s Barred List or the Adults’ Barred List Information obtained from overseas, unless specifically requested and permissible
Relevant information held by local police forces Information unrelated to criminal convictions or involvement in criminal activities

Limitations of a DBS Check

It is important to note that a DBS check will not cover any time an individual has lived outside the UK, and they may be required to obtain a check in the country they lived in or through an embassy. The check is specific to the UK and does not provide information about an individual’s criminal record in other countries.

If an individual has lived abroad, it is advisable for them to contact the relevant authorities in that country to understand the process of obtaining a criminal record check. Some countries may require the individual to appear in person or provide consent for a check to be conducted on their behalf.

Additionally, individuals should be aware that the information included in a DBS check is limited to criminal convictions and cautions. It does not include details about arrests, charges that did not lead to a conviction, or ongoing investigations.

Key Limitations of a DBS Check:

Limitation Description
Out of UK Coverage A DBS check does not cover any time an individual has lived outside the UK. To obtain a check for that period, they may be required to contact the authorities of the specific country or request a check through an embassy.
Obtaining Checks in Other Countries If an individual has lived abroad, they should consult the relevant authorities of that country to understand the process of obtaining a criminal record check. Each country may have its own procedures, requirements, and fees.
Limited Information Included A DBS check only includes information about criminal convictions and cautions. It does not include details about arrests, charges without conviction, or ongoing investigations.

The DBS check is a valuable tool for assessing an individual’s criminal background within the UK, but it is important to recognize its limitations. To obtain a more comprehensive background check, including information about time lived abroad, individuals may need to explore other options and engage with the authorities of the relevant countries.

Exploring Other Background Check Options

While a DBS check provides certain information, individuals may also consider other background check options for a more comprehensive picture of their personal record. These alternative options can provide additional insights and uncover details that may not be covered by a DBS check. Here are some options to consider:

1. Private Investigator Services

Private investigators specialize in conducting thorough background checks and can provide a comprehensive report on an individual’s personal record. They use various techniques, such as accessing public records, interviewing relevant individuals, and conducting surveillance when necessary. Engaging a reputable private investigator can ensure a detailed and accurate background check.

2. Online Background Check Websites

There are several online platforms that offer background check services, allowing individuals to search public records and access information like criminal records, employment history, and financial records. These websites typically require users to provide the necessary personal information and may charge a fee for their services. It is important to choose a reliable and reputable online background check website to ensure the accuracy and legality of the information obtained.

3. Industry-Specific Background Checks

Depending on the nature of an individual’s work or industry, there may be specific background check services available that cater to those needs. For example, some sectors like finance, healthcare, or education may require more in-depth background checks to ensure the safety and security of clients, patients, or students. These industry-specific background checks can provide additional layers of information that may not be included in a standard background check.

When considering alternative background check options, it is important to be mindful of legal requirements and privacy regulations. It is always recommended to consult with legal professionals or experts in the field to ensure compliance with the law and to understand the limitations and potential risks of conducting background checks.

Pros Cons
Provides a more comprehensive picture of an individual’s personal record May involve additional costs
Offers access to industry-specific background checks Privacy concerns and legal regulations must be considered
Can uncover details that may not be included in a DBS check Requires careful selection of reliable and reputable service providers

Benefits of Conducting a Background Check on Yourself

Conducting a background check on yourself can help you understand what information is on your record, allowing you to address any discrepancies and ensure accuracy. This process can be beneficial for various reasons:

  1. Personal Record Search: By conducting a background check on yourself, you have the opportunity to review your personal record and gain insight into what potential employers or organizations may see when conducting their own checks. This knowledge empowers you to address any inaccuracies or outdated information that could negatively impact your reputation or job prospects.
  2. Ensuring Accuracy: It is essential to ensure that the information on your record is accurate and up to date. By conducting a background check on yourself, you can verify the details and take corrective measures if necessary. This will help you present a reliable and truthful representation of yourself to employers and organizations.
  3. Addressing Discrepancies: In some cases, individuals may discover discrepancies or errors on their records during a self-background check. These discrepancies could be the result of mistaken identity, outdated data, or administrative errors. By identifying and addressing these issues promptly, you can prevent any potential negative consequences and maintain your professional integrity.
  4. Personal Empowerment: Knowing what information is on your record gives you a sense of control and allows you to actively manage your personal reputation. By staying informed and proactive, you can effectively navigate the job market and make informed decisions about your career and personal life.

Conducting a background check on yourself is a responsible and proactive step towards managing your personal and professional image. By understanding what information is on your record, addressing any discrepancies, and ensuring accuracy, you can confidently present yourself to potential employers and organizations.

Personal Record Search: Ensuring Accuracy: Addressing Discrepancies: Personal Empowerment:
Allows you to review your personal record. Verifies the accuracy and up-to-dateness of information. Identifies and resolves any discrepancies or errors. Gives you a sense of control over your personal reputation.
Helps you address inaccuracies or outdated information. Ensures a reliable and truthful representation of yourself. Prevents potential negative consequences. Enables informed decision-making in your personal and professional life.

Global Investigations – Your Trusted Background Check Provider

When it comes to conducting background checks, Global Investigations is the trusted name in the United Kingdom, offering a wide range of services to meet your needs. With our expertise and experience, we provide comprehensive and reliable information to assist individuals and organizations in making informed decisions.

At Global Investigations, we understand the importance of accuracy and confidentiality in background checks. Our team of highly trained professionals adheres to strict standards and regulations to ensure that all information is handled securely and ethically.

Our services include conducting personal, commercial, and international background checks. Whether you need a basic criminal record search or a more comprehensive investigation, we have the resources and capabilities to deliver accurate and timely results.

Why Choose Global Investigations?

  • We have a proven track record of delivering reliable background check results.
  • We utilize advanced technology and databases to access the most up-to-date information.
  • Our team of experts is skilled in conducting thorough investigations and analyzing complex data.
  • We prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to exceed expectations with our professional service.

Trust Global Investigations for all your background check needs. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and let us provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions.

Services Offered Cost
Basic Criminal Record Check (DBS Check) £18
Standard DBS Check Dependent on employer
Enhanced DBS Check Dependent on employer
Personal Background Investigation Customized pricing
International Background Check Varies depending on country

Contact Global Investigations for Your Background Check Needs

To learn more about conducting a background check on yourself or to request our services, contact Global Investigations today at 0800 073 3555. We are the trusted provider of personal background investigations in the United Kingdom, offering comprehensive solutions to meet your needs.

At Global Investigations, we understand the importance of ensuring accuracy and addressing any discrepancies in your personal record search. Our team of highly skilled professionals utilizes advanced technology and up-to-date databases to deliver reliable results.

Whether you need a self-background investigation or a personal criminal record check, our experts are here to assist you. We offer a range of services tailored to individual requirements, including basic, standard, and enhanced DBS checks.

With Global Investigations, you can trust that your background check will be conducted with utmost professionalism and confidentiality. Our commitment to providing exceptional customer service ensures that you receive the support and guidance you need throughout the process.

Our Services: Benefits:
– Basic, standard, and enhanced DBS checks – Accurate and reliable results
– Comprehensive personal background investigations – Address discrepancies in your personal record
– Expert guidance and support – Maintain confidentiality throughout the process

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