5 steps to protect your smartphone from being hacked

Unlike computers where you can install all kinds of antivirus and anti-hacking software to keep your device safe, our phones are largely left unprotected. This is strange; nowadays, most of us are glued to our phones, they store lots of our personal details and information and they’re an integral part of our lives.

Our phones hold our photos, our music collection, our bank details, our social media conversations, our address, our contact list… if they were hacked, imagine all of the sensitive information that would be stolen from you. It’s something that’s proven to happen time and time again, with celebrities often falling victim to their private photos and personal information being made public knowledge.

We should all learn the lessons from these situations and make an effort to protect our phones from hacking as much as we possibly can.

Follow our tips for the most effective and easy things you can do to minimise the risk of phone hacking…

1 Give your phone a proper password

We’re all guilty of giving our phones passwords that are next to useless. Sometimes we even continue to use the placeholder one given when the phone arrives brand new! It’s so worth taking the time to install a password that does its job properly, as this reduces hacker’s abilities to break into your phone either physically or digitally. Think outside the box; birthdates and anniversaries are a no!

2 Understand what’s happening with your external storage systems

Every Apple customer will have heard of The Cloud, and most other phone manufacturers will promote some kind of external storage system; where all of your phone’s information is stored in a virtual space, largely out of your control. The majority of phone hacks happen because users don’t understand how this works. Make sure you thoroughly understand the pros and cons of using these storage systems before you commit any sensitive information to them.

3 Research apps before you download them

When we download an app, most of us simply click that we agree with the Terms & Conditions. However, it’s definitely worth reading what you’re giving the app permission to do with your information. If you don’t check, you could be authorising access to your contact list, photo library and all kinds of important, private information; and if it’s not a well known, well reviewed app, it’s best not to take that risk.

4 Update your phone’s software

No more just clicking ‘remind me later’! Keeping your phone’s software and operating systems as updated as possible is a great way to keep hackers at bay. With each new update, you’re installing the newest and most protective security software, meaning your phone is as secure as it can be at that time.

5 Delete voicemail and text messages from unknown numbers

In a worrying new trend, hackers will try to infiltrate your phone by leaving text messages and voicemails for you. If you open, listen or respond to them, they can receive personal information back from you – it’s that simple for them. Removing these messages from unknown numbers immediately gets rid of that possibility.   When your phone is such an integral part of your life and work, keeping it as safe and secure as possible is of the utmost importance. Our tips will ensure you don’t make it easy for phone hackers. Contact us here at Global Investigations if you would like any more advice about keeping your personal details protected in every situation, or you require a professional private investigator to help identify who is behind your smartphone hack.

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